Supporting the Multi Purpose Taxi Program
The Victorian Government’s Multi Purpose Taxi Program (MPTP) assists with the travel needs of people with accessibility and mobility needs by offering subsidised CPV fares to members.
Members get 50 per cent off the total fare, up to $60, with some restrictions.
What is changing?
SilverTop Taxi Service and GM Cabs have been approved to process MPTP cards and collect associated data for MPTP services.
Safe Transport Victoria, which administers the MPTP, is responsible for assessing new technology and alternative data collection systems to ensure suitable solutions are added to the market, allowing for choice for MPTP passengers.
What does this mean for me as an MPTP member?
SilverTop Taxi Service and GM Cabs can process fares for passengers with MPTP cards.
If you already have a valid MPTP card, you do not need to do anything different. You can keep using the same card. You may find your driver now uses different equipment in the taxi to process your card. It is quite straightforward and operates in a very similar way to other MPTP service providers.
If you do not have an MPTP card, you can find out more about the program from Safe Transport Victoria or apply here:
There won’t be any change to your eligibility or limits with the introduction of these changes.
How do I book a taxi that will accept my MPTP Card?
You do not have to change how you book a taxi. You may choose CPVs from ranks, taxi stands or by hailing a taxi. Any CPV providing unbooked services like rank and hail MUST accept MPTP cards.
You can also book a SilverTop taxi via this link: or by downloading the SilverTop Taxi app from Google Play or the App Store.
Where can I get a copy of a receipt for my journey?
Follow this link and click “Switch to MPTP Invoice Form” button. Follow the prompts and we will email you a copy of your invoice.
I left something behind in the taxi. What do I do?
Follow the prompts in this link and we will assist as soon as possible:
Who can I contact for more information?
GM Cabs
SilverTop Taxis